All that is here [earth] comes from here.
But here is coiled with there [cosmos]
- where ‘is’ is not only embedded
but also embodied.
All that is here [earth] comes from here.
But here is coiled with there [cosmos]
- where ‘is’ is not only embedded
but also embodied.
How can the awareness of specific periodic elements within a digital camera realign the practice of photography to a cosmic, geologic, and ecological haunting?
This project conceptually enlists aspects of the dark frame process to illuminate the haunted entanglement of elemental matter and
light to
the compounding of time-site through experimental image making.
Close eyes -
Without light, without lens, an optical murmuring shifts under skin/
celestial minglings of a dark granular array
The architecture of vision pulses for light/
toward this in-finite noise display